Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Day in Giraffe Pod A

One of Ashton's "pod mates" Aiden got to go home today!  He is being adopted by his Aunt and Uncle and they are so very happy to have him join their home.  Although they are high school sweethearts and have been married for ten years they did not have any children...until now!  Baby Aiden is doing great and is going home with out monitors, tubes, or meds.  This adoption process will be a long one for them as CPS is involved, but I see how much love they already have for this sweet boy and I know they will jump through all of the hoops a CPS adoption involves.  (Aiden's mom and I have spent alot of time talking during our NICU stay.) Please remember the Grant family in your prayers over the next months as they enjoy family life with a newborn and go through the adoption process. 

Much love,

PS  Ashton is having a much better day with only two episodes requiring stimulation since 7:00a.m.  Keep the prayers coming for a sweet little girl!

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