Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Days and nights, nights and days, everything is starting to run together.  Miss prissy had an OKAY night.  GOOD news first:  Ashton is off the Milrinone (one of her heart medicines)!!! Obviously this doesn' mean her heart is "fixed", but it does mean that she tolerated taking that medicine away which had to be given via IV.  This is super important because we want her to be on oral heart medications.  She also tolerated her first milk feeding last night!   I know 2ccs of milk doesn't sound like a big deal, but being a mommy who is able to provide something--even 2ccs of mommy milk-- to her little girl is big deal to this mommy. She couldn't maintain her vent. settings last night, so we had to go back up on her pressures.  Her 8:00a.m.blood gases didn't look too good either.  However, I am not looking at this as a step back because I'm BELIEVING that GOD's plan for Ashton.  I'm BELIEVING in Ashton and her fighting spirit.  I'm BELIEVING in the wisdom GOD is providing Ashton's team of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, social workers, and every other person that comes and check on our sweet girl many times a day.  So, maybe we pushed her a little too hard yesterday, but she didn't crash, didn't crater, she held her own.  She is fighting again this morning and I'm praying we see a turn around in her respiratory ability soon and her heart rate/function stays stable.

This morning's specific prayer requests:

1.) Improvement in her respiratory function so that we don't have to change the vent. settings more in the wrong direction.
2.) That we are able to stop the Amiodarone (the second IV heart medication) today.
3.) That we can insert a single picc line without any complications.
4.) Peace for a worried mommy.

I'll post again soon since Ashton's nurses let me bring my laptop to her bedside today!

Much love.

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