Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday's Adventure in the NICU

Hey, all.

It is shift change, so I'm going to try to get a quick update posted while I'm waiting for the night nurses to get report.  Ashton had a good night and is having a good day.  We've gone down on her vent. settings twice and she appears to be handling the changes well! The doctors didn't make any other changes during rounds, so it has been a pretty laid back day.  (We are focused on getting her vent. settings down since everything else appears to be stable for the moment.)  Ashton has become a "touch me not"--which is the NICU term for a baby that does not like to be touched at all.  When the nurses do ANYTHING, she starts squirming and her levels start to drop.  As soon as they close her port holes, she bounces right back to where she was.  Basically, she doesn't want ANYONE in her space.  Speaking of her space--below is a picture of the bed she is in.

This is an OHMEDA Giraffe bed.  It is an amazing piece of equipment that monitors Ashton's temperature 24/7, can weigh her, monitor the humidity in the bed, and do so much more.  This bed has been a life saver, literally! 

Thatcher's grandmother gave Miss Prissy a beautiful blanket today.  I am in awe of this family's courage as they face this journey with sweet Thatcher.  My little brother is out of town this weekend, so my dad came over to Houston and has been playing chauffeur for me.  We ran a couple of errands at lunch which was good because it forced me to get out of the NICU for a little bit.  Hopefully tomorrow I can get a couple more things done so that next week goes smoothly. 

Ashton has a blood gas test at 8:30 tonight.  Depending on the results, they may make a another vent. change tonight.  Please pray that her blood gases stay good and that she handles any other vent. changes they make tonight well. 

Much Love!

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