Tuesday, May 1, 2012

36 Weeks, 1 Day a/k/a 51 Days

So here in the NICU they talk about Ashton's age in weeks gestation.  So even though she is 51 days old, they call her "36 and 1" meaning I should be 36 weeks, 1 day pregnant.  People ask me how old she is and I have to pause because in my sleep deprived state I can't remember which one I'm suppose to tell them!

Ashton has had a bit of an issue the past few days with getting cold.  Our pod has been very cold and since she is still really little with very little body fat it is hard for her to maintain her temperature.  When she is cold she uses too much energy staying warm and loses weight. They have warmed up the pod and kept her really swaddled which has helped her regain the weight she lost.  Ashton is still on the nasal cannula at a REALLY low percentage of oxygen.  We tried removing it and Ashton didn't tolerate it well.  We will try to turn it off again in a few days and see how she does.

Ashton finished three of her four feedings from her bottle today--the fourth they finished feeding through her tube.  She is working really hard at getting to a point where she is finishing all eight of her bottles, but sometimes she is just too sleepy.  After all, her "birth"day wasn't suppose to be here for four more weeks!  The picture below is her "milk coma" face which she makes after finishing her bottle!


  1. "He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen ... Deut 10:21."
    Continuing to lift Ashton up to our Lord for continued healing.
